Monday, May 19, 2008

Hafiz's Engagement

It was my niece's engagement day. He and his family has been a lot of help to all our family's wedding ceremony, and so I will surely not miss their's! Quite happy finding myself of help.The unofficial camerawoman , though very amateur. I had problems in capturing sharp pictures. Guess I have to find a good external flash..and lense..or even a new camera...p:
Here are some pictures I have tried to save:


I hardly get to know my neice to first, taaruf later..hhihi

Since my nephew is not around, I only got the chance to shoot my niece to be.Hafiz is trying hard to stick to custom...I said, "just follow us, and wait in the car.."eheh.
Very limited pictures taken. I wish I could shoot like Saifulnang and gang. By the time I got the chance to shoot, my desired target has run away...


Anonymous said...

waah..cantik la ni along!..ade yg blur skit je kan, but u manage to cover it by some techniques of editing..hehe..which tought by me kan??huhahuha..

Hurr 'Ain said...


what a surprise..

my picture..:)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH Maklong...(segan la pulak sy maklong, tgk gmbr sendri di published..heheh) (",)

Fadhilah said...

no prob. just a bit of my hobby...after tedious time at work.Having your pictures published, sekali-skala terasa mcm artis, apa salahnya...That's your engagement gift.Hope we have time to get to know each other.

hey ifah, yeah taught by you alright..thanks. I still need to learn on how to adjust lighting etc..and maybe let me try your camera I envy most.

Anonymous said...

Good post.