Tuesday, January 24, 2006

my mice laboratory

we had a great time in the class today. it was hard explaining the law of agency and partnership at one blow. i declared to the students that sincerely, they were under experiment, my mini mice laboratory..hahaha: coz i'm squeezing as many law related as possible in their commercial law pot. imagine how tight it get especially when there are too many holidays this semester!

one student said, then i must be the cat!

i asked one student to read a provision ( which was more like a typewriting robot reading)..it was real fun when we tried to get the robot mouse read with feelings. Like Barney said: 'Gee, its sure hard to become a robot coz robots cant feel happy or sad!'But this robot eventually has feelings after all when she was joyously excited when class time finishes...

Remind me of Amiir and Zulfa singing (acting towards the song in Barney)...He's a little robot...

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