Thursday, January 26, 2006

breakfast sesama

best gak pagi tadi.Dengan ifah, nawal dan zulfa pegi jalan-jalan cari makan. Kitorang boleh jadi histeria kalau nasi lemak tak sedap..heh.Pantang ada tempat yang ada special menu, mesti serbu (yang dekat dan mampu je la)..lepas tu masing-masing buat ulasan, tang ingredient la. Kitorang tgh kumpul menu / resipi family. Hanya yang terbaik aje akan diendorse oleh kitorang dan akan jadi resipi rasmi keluarga (ever heard anybody like us?).

semalam ifah buat kek coklat. tgh bakar baru dia perasan kek menitik. rupanya aku lupa set api atas-bawah, sebab biasanya buat kek lapis main api atas jek..sian ifah.Tak puas hatila tu.

abah nak ikut kitorang breakfast, tapi dia sibuk gotong royong potong rumput kawin faizal ahad nih..kalau tak abah 'on' je..dulu-dulu, tgh mlm pun boleh tetiba kuar mkn dgn abah.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

my mice laboratory

we had a great time in the class today. it was hard explaining the law of agency and partnership at one blow. i declared to the students that sincerely, they were under experiment, my mini mice laboratory..hahaha: coz i'm squeezing as many law related as possible in their commercial law pot. imagine how tight it get especially when there are too many holidays this semester!

one student said, then i must be the cat!

i asked one student to read a provision ( which was more like a typewriting robot reading) was real fun when we tried to get the robot mouse read with feelings. Like Barney said: 'Gee, its sure hard to become a robot coz robots cant feel happy or sad!'But this robot eventually has feelings after all when she was joyously excited when class time finishes...

Remind me of Amiir and Zulfa singing (acting towards the song in Barney)...He's a little robot...

determining 'importance' and 'urgency'

i think i have a problem. i always regard everything as important and i end up doing nothing until everything really get to be urgent! how i wish to be consistent (like some others i know) accomplishing those important tasks before grasping my breath towards deadlines? (though i always manage to meet deadlines, and most of the time: half dead)

no matter how canggih sekalipun your organizer is, what matters most is DISCIPLINE!

by the way, is blogging necessary? is it a waste of time?
its very slow especially when uploading pictures.that upsets me.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Leo

Have you ever sat back and wonder how great your husband is? If I were to list all the good things about my husband, I would'nt have enough papers! And if I were at his place, I think I wont be able to be as good as he is. A family man he is.I don't have to do the 'honey do things'list, he seems far ahead of me. To him, Zulfa and me is his prime priority... I have my own 'Leo' afterall...eheheh (Penangan Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas la ni...)

Friday, January 20, 2006

jodoh di tangan tuhan

It has already been 1 year since my sister nora has passed away. And eversince, Amiir (her son) has been with us (my mom). He has the eyes of my sister...

And its only a few days left before he is gonna get a new mum and a new brother..The best part is, the new mum is actually one of my sister's closest friend, Jawahir.
To Faizal and Jawahir, May Allah bless the both of you...
To Jawahir, Ahlan Wa Sahlan to our family.
The wedding news broke and it was a news of happiness for all three families ( faizal's, ours and Jawahir's)..Mohamad is gonna get a father and Amiir, a mother.

Mak said, apart from Jawahir being one of Nora's best friend,her family was also a family friend nearly twenty years back in England. Back in Bangi, these two girls studied together for their PMR, yeah I can still remember picking nora up from her home.After PMR, they led their own ways, until the last time I met Jawahir when she gave birth to Mohamad at Azzahra...a difficult moment for her, especially knowing that her husband has passed away.

Everything is arranged. Allah knoweth best of everything.