Thursday, February 24, 2011

For You S.A.W

I wrote this poem remembering my mom and myself with my children. We know almost the whole life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. In fact he was the only one in his time that we have that much of information. Companions around him s.a.w narrated his entire life. We even know him before his birth, how he ate, talked, diplomatic affairs. Should we not feel him near?

Its Maulidur Rasul again. Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah:

For You S.A.W

My mommy told me before tucking me in bed

The stories about you

My mommy held me and whispered in my ear

To be exactly like you

Your face was bright

Your speech was clear

Your laughter was but a smile

Your sayings are only what are right

Which makes people hold you dear

And your stories travelled across time and miles

My mommy stopped me before eating

To recite the dua taught by you

My mommy held me from quarrelling

And told me that you would never argue, its just not you

My mommy repeated about you again and again

I just keep wondering why

She looked deep into my eyes

You were the beloved one, and that was the reply

Your birth was awaited

Known by those who had knowledge

You were placed in the best family existed

With the best upbringing nurtured

You never spoke but truth

You were the most trusted

You were chosen even before prophethood

Brought peace to the Quraish, when bloodshed could have stood

My mommy talked about your children,

How you loved and taught them,

To love you is indeed

To love those around you, whom you have taken lead

My mommy said that we are in the end of times

And in the end of times we are

And so to the utmost faith I am asked to climb

Holding on you and what you say, you promised that God will protect me from straying afar

How my mommy’s eyes sparkled

When I was able to read on my own

Its the Quran, your greatest miracle

Thanks mommy for teaching, my interest has grown!

Now that I am a older

Its time for me to reflect

Those were not just stories

But for me to act

If you were here today

Would we be the same?

Pray as how you prayed

Or let the world play its game?

If you were here today

Where would we be?

Beside you, holding steadfast

Or among the reluctant and those of the last?

If you were here today

You’ll see us named after you

But how many of us dare to say

My heart, my life, my death are all exemplifying you?

Your Grace sallallahu alaihi wasallam

20 Rabiul Awal 1432H

(More than 1400 years after)

Dundee, Scotland

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