Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mengutip gambar

Apabila merekod semula apa yang telah saya lalui sepanjang berkhidmat (apabila mengisi LNPT), saya dapati banyak peristiwa yang tidak sempat saya rakamkan. I started searching for pictures from the university website. I found a few, well enough for my album. Cuma terasa juga terkilan apabila gambar-gambar mengacara majlis tidak ditemui. Gambar pengacara-pengacara majlis untuk majlis lain juga jarang ditemui.

Pictures do speak by itself. Semalam, saya bersembang dengan abah saya tentang pengalaman-pengalamannya. Satu hari nanti, jika diberi kekuatan, ingin saya menulis semua pengalamannya. Alangkah lebih mudah jika pengalaman-pengalaman tersebut dapat dirakamkan melalui gambar?


Ini adalah gambar sewaktu saya menyertai Bengkel Pelan Integriti Nasional oleh universiti saya.

Ini adalah pengalaman berharga saya. Audit Keserakanan. I just couldnt believe it that I actually took part in the process of defending the university in the audit. I was quite passive at first ( as the more you speak in audits, the more you make mistakes). But when it was my turn to present, I had to be seen confident enough. Oklah kot. Well, somebody had to do it.


audit keserakanan1
Mesyuarat di buka oleh NC saya. Memang post NC adalah satu jawatan yang mencabar. I saw how confident he was explaining on the visions of the university...etc..everything seemed to just fall in its place.

Bergambar kenangan dengan auditors.

bengkel bajet 20102011
Ini pula adalah gambar di Port Dickson untuk pembentangan bajet 2010 dan 2011. It was quite awkward at the beggining to mingle with top leaders of the university. I had to get use to it. I am afterall helping these top leaders...sebenarnya setiap pensyarah itu sangat signifikan kepada universiti.

perhimpunan bulanan
Ada juga gambar saya sedang berbaris di dalam perhimpunan bulanan universiti. Bagus.

Pemadam, apabila amat diperlukan.

Jarang saya gunakan pemadam. Hanya untuk aktiviti-aktiviti tertentu apabila simulasi pengisian borang diperlukan. Saya menjangkakan minggu ini saya akan menggunakan pemadam lagi, utk isi borang-borang cuti belajar.

Lihat sahajalah pemadam saya ini dari brand new sampai tinggal sedikit.Dalam hanya setengah hari! Terpaksa saya panggilkan cleaner untuk vacum bilik saya selepas itu.


gbr pemadam2

gbr pemadam3

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pertandingan Mahkamah Mut Syariah PMMS2009

It was a relief that we have just finished organizing the first ever Syariah Moot competition.We claim it the first done at the national level because it was funded by the Malaysian ministry of higher education, involved by most higher learning institutions offering law / syariah (offer was extended to all) and the fact that the moot problem was prepared by the Malaysian Syarie lawyer association or council(PGSM), at par with the Malaysian Bar Council for civil lawyers.

As it was the first of its kind, it was quite a pressure to explore and experiment its execution. To be on the safe side, we had to follow the established standard, rules and even the counting of marks to be the same of that of the Jessup Moot competition, well known among the legal faternity. If this was to be the first, and if it was us to organize it, we decided that we will definitely have to do it properly. Looking at the people around me, I feel confident that we will manage to do it, although that means there are a lot of preparations to be done. My friends constantly gave me the support I needed and was always there reminding me on the standards of Jessup or LawAsia. We dared not to change or create the rules, fearing of disputes that may rise.

It began when the PGSM agreed to draft the moot problem. I was so thankful to friends at PGSM for their willingness (old and new friends) , and of course ex-students at PGSM. They came up with the moot problem although at quite a short notice. As having an affiliation to USIM, we refused to look at the moot problem, what more to meddle with what was prepared. The moot problem was only made known to all teams when it was supposed to be made known.Considering syariah moot was new, we only gave some samples of Jessup and LawAsia moot problems to PGSM to come up with sort of the same standard.

And so the meetings began. (Woops, I have not done the last minutes yet).
The venues, the budget,the teams, the exchanging of memorials, the judges.
Here, my friends took their parts efficiently - arrangement of the judges, rules and countings, management of the teams...etc.

The syariah moot was also promoted through Nasi Lemak Kopi O one saturday morning. It was the first experience for me. Our students- Hameezah, Hazimin and Azim also made their first tv appearance by their moot simulation. Well done!

submission-mut syariah
This is an example in the moot court.

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The judges were real ones from syariah courts and syarie lawyers in Malaysia.

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Judges were ushered to the moot courts.

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This is the counting room where team representatives make decisions on penalties and audit the process of keying in the marks. In picture were representatives from UIA,UM,UUM and USIM.Others went for a rest.

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Judges in the briefing room before each session. (oops, what was i doing at the back?)

In mootings, the mooters are trained to 'submit' to the judges, with full honour and respect, assisting the court to come to a decision. As compared to debates, the debaters debates with the opponent.Sebab itulah kadang-kadang kita lihat gaya dan bahasa debat sedikit agresif kerana gaya dan bahasa yang agresif boleh mengurangkan motivasi pihak lawan. Di dalam mahkamah, mooters perlu beradab sopan dan menggunakan bahasa yang sopan dan tepat kepada hujah-hujah perundangan. The role of the mooters is to ask from the court the best relief their client deserve. Mooters are supposed to bring submissions based on questions of law.

Well, there are many more to tell on mooting.
I find it the best activity for a law student.
Harap mooting dapat berjangkit kpd semua student di FSU!