Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ibadah Camp...

This was the first Ibadah Camp which I was not a committee..sedey. I saw students graduating every semester. It seemed that it was only yesterday they registered joining the college. Time has gone so fast.
My husband and I always sat together talking on how we see our students. There is no doubt that some really leave a bunch of memories to us, in whatever form it may be. Some made us laugh while some others make us sigh..and not a few also even managed to make us stop, ponder and think...seriously. Having experience as wardens, it put us in various positions, we had to console them and provide medication ( before proper medication) when they were sick, listen when they have problems , play and be their friends and sometimes scold them when certain problems arose. Some students even have - the biggest disciplinary problem - we have ever imagined, but we always put in mind that if they want to change, they can change far better than any of us , and we have seen some really have changed. A lot.. Allah yahdii...

Akma holding zulfa. Zulfa can't wait for her new friend in aunt akma's belly. Irfan is watching...he wanted to bring zulfa home!
Lovely Kak Ram....Dina looking at Zulfa and Kak Zah.
Kak Wan and Fifi. At 4 month, Fifi can hold her own bottle!

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