Monday, May 30, 2005

Bonjour! Lets play petanque!


We had a friendly petanque(lawn ball) game. My Father was so busy arranging his team, he was so good at making friends among delegates. I had to play too..Well, the first strike was so powerful, that I heard a Quebecer saying:"Oooh, this girl, is she a professional?" The first round was a lucky one, and so they pushed me to play for the second round. You can guess what happened next, none of my strikes were good enough..yikes..told ya, I'm not good at it..har, har, har.. ( it was only at the end of the game when I got to know that I played with professional players!)

By the way, petanque is pronounced as "pay-tonk", one of Europe's most popular outdoor games.

There was a lady asking me one bonus question: " Young lady, mind if I ask you, do you really have hairs under your scarf?" Errk..


My sister agreed that we regretted for not studying a bit of French before going to Quebec. Quebec is mainly a French-speaking society! You'll have to read the history to know the reasons..they call it 'La Francophonie', they are descendents of French and are still mantaining a French speaking society in North America when most of the rest of Canada are using English.The Quebecers were so friendly though. At times, we had to use sign symbols!

We found a number of Muslims, most of them are from Africa. And they did not understand us except if we converse in French which we obviously do not know..and we end up speaking Arabic! Arabic helped us a lot to find Halal restaurants, halal meat, mosques in journeys like this. At least we led the group to halal restaurants. Orang Islam mesti kena belajar cakap Arab...Its our language.


z'kea m.s said...

Majulah sukan untuk negara.. memang best tau main lawn bowl tu. cuma tak ada lane macam main bowling biasa tu. Bolehla propose kat STAD kan.My previous school ada benda, kitaorang tak kira masa main. Asalkan lalu, kitaorang baling.

Fadhilah said...

aku rasa mcm tak best je main..aku main baling je, diorang yg tolong kirakan skor aku..kalau main atas rumput, leh rosak rumput wooo...

z'kea m.s said...

Ni musti spesis kaki bangku.. tangan kayu ni.
Kita kalau jumpa games apa-apa pun kita belasah main. Kalu study malasla sikit.

z'kea m.s said...

Ni musti spesis kaki bangku.. tangan kayu ni.
Kita kalau jumpa games apa-apa pun kita belasah main. Kalu study malasla sikit.

Anonymous said...

kak dell xtau nak post kat mane, check kat link ni gambar² bowling aritu k... nnt lelain kali kite akan buat posting untuk gambar² acara lain jugak ok! take care...