Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Head Down, Barely Looking at anyone..

Law Library - School Days

Friend: Del , look there, our lecturer...
(The lecturer was very young, yet soooo serious, searching for cases in the MLJ section, head down, barely looking at anyone)

Law Faculty - School Days
Me: There he goes again, our lecturer, wonder why he is soo gloomy?
(The lecturer was walking passing us, head down, barely looking at anyone)
Me and my friend: Assalamualaikum sir
Lecturer: Waalaikum salam ( With a quizzical look)

Law Class - School Days

Friend: Del, eventually he laughs!
(My friend made a joke during presentation and made the lecturer laughed - without sound of course - still typical him)

Law Library - Today

I see his name everywhere - books, articles....
No wonder he was 'head-down, barely looking at anyone'..He was busy doing these work!


Head-down, barely looking at anyone,
oh no...

Bowling - Family Tournament

Last sunday we had a nuclear-family-out-of-a sudden bowling tournament. These things can't be planned too much, or else it won't happen..
Abah and Mak went PD - bringing some family guests to PD, while we went out together - bowling and then Mc D - Faizal & Fahmi belanja...mekasih ye....
14 of us played - aiman and faiz in a different lane.
Amiir & Zulfa - played balloons.

The result of the tournament:
kambing - hanip, along, fahmi - 647
kerbau-faizal,muttaqqeen,diana - 458
ayam - a.mahiz, ifah, ebot- 530
itik - hilmi, deq an, nawal - 524
TOTAL: 1054