Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Seeing friends...

Naz accompanied me at the court.I wanted to take pictures coz we havent seen each for soo long...she is still the old nazeera I know, old nazeera but not old..hehe...maybe I can post pictures later.oops, got to go...departing to Port Dickson!

Excited with her new book..

This book got real pictures inside.How to teach children interested in books??

look at the pictures..
There you go..distracted by the camera..

Gonna miss zulfa for two days..

I have to attend a course at Port Dickson for two days...Zulfa has to bear her will-be-busy mama.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Secret Recipe-Banana Cake For Mummy

kek mak

I like the banana cake coz it has real banana inside, but I could guess what mummy would say "ler, nape ada pisang lam ni...jatuhla sikit standard kek nih"..hehe..(An expensive cake shouldn't have cheap banana inside...ehehe)..Well nowadays cheap things to us can be found in hotels with expensive labels!
We had a simple birthday celebration yet very chearful. (I can still remember, the last celebration, we did powerpoints - which made abah a little bit jealous and then curious for his next birthday)...(those days when ummuamiir was still around)..the truth is, whenever we had any celebration in conjunction with abah or mak's birthday, we actually meant for both of them...
Mak, selamat hari lahir, moga bahagia dunia akhirat..rabbanaghfirlana waliwalidaina warhamhuma kama rabbayana saghira...You have raised us up, all have sacrificed a lot.

The two sugar dolls (only one appeared in the picture) were for mummy's first 2 grandchildren...pengubat hati mak nowadays..satu untuk amiir dan satu untuk zulfa..saja suka-suka.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

zulfa's milestone

she is now starting to crawl!one step, two steps, then collapses. She also knows how to cling to objects and stand.She is so eager of her new discovery that even when bedtime comes she could'nt stop from a result ...mama cant get her good night's sleep.

zulfa batgirl

paksu dgn dua anak saudaranya...

paksu aiman dgn amiir dan zulfa

Cousin Amiir is now learning how to walk..and babble.He is collecting new vocabs..
ummuzulfa: Amiir....sayang zulfa miir..
Amiir: muaaaaah....
ummuzulfa: pandai amiir
ummuzulfa: dah minum susu, amiir?
Amiir: lum..

(terkejut ummuzulfa, clear betul dia sebut 'lum' untuk belum)
Can't wait until he can talk, I can already imagine how intelligent this boy is...arwah ummuamiir always said that she wants to see amiir like his father, ulat buku.She bought him a book: Mimi's bath. I'll try to get good stuffs for him as well just as how I would do for baby zulfa.

Allah knows best. nahnu fi tafkeer, Allahu fi tadbeer...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

new spirit

I see people around busy doing researches, articles..presenting papers,local and international. I'm taking up the challenges and should by now fix my targets.
These days I've been travelling around using public transport.Taxi,lrt,star,commuter...Feel like my old youth days.I had to really grip my handbag, I mean my marry poppin handbag - everything inside.Fear of snatchers. So, yesterday I bought my self a cheap napsack and put my stuffs inside, and walk like a jolly old student..I walk faster that way.

Friday, June 03, 2005

memorable mu'askar


There was a compulsory course every student must undergo at least once during their studies at the university (International Univ.of Africa Sudan). I decided to follow eventhough I was only an intensive student.The other Malaysian sisters have already taken the course, so I was left alone, the only asian in the group. But I insisted to go, coz I know my Sudanese and Somalian friends are going as well. The kept me in good company.Well, this time the mu'askar (camping) was at Chandie, somewhere in north Sudan. Duration: 3 weeks..
It was good, the journey was so long..I saw deserts around me, hardly any tree. Occasionally we passed by some greeny patches of land with fresh fragrant of the grass.At times, we observed people living in small huts made of mud..we were so happy.Throughout the journey, my friends and I sung Sudanese patriotic songs ( I have forgotten most of it by now)...we sung to our lungs!
I can still remember when the bus suddenly stopped in the middle of the desert, I was wondering, only to know that everybody went off the bus, reaching the sand and performed tayammum..masha practical islam is...then one of them (Sofia Somali) determined the qiblah and there we went, prayed zuhur and asar - jamakqasar prayer. I learnt a lot from Sudan. Islam itself encourage muslims to go and walk on Allah's earth to discover the greatness of Allah..true, I cant help praising Him..the more I learn, the smaller I become.
Our main task in the mu'askar is to preach (dakwah) from village to village.We were devided into small groups. I was seperated from Halimo, but luckily managed to be one group with Chmadt Somali and Rahma Kenya.Everybody had to deliver something. They talked about topics like the duties of women as mothers, wife etc..big things, but when it came to me, guess what? I talked about the 'ethics of eating..' . Friends helped me to prepare the topic. ( I was only 3 months old in Sudan, but I gave it a good try). Friends told me that it doesnt matter if I got the grammars wrong, the audience only wanted to hear me speak..true, we had fun. I discovered that Malaysia has a very good reputation, many really wanted to go Malaysia. And they asked me what Malaysia is like and they adored my flowery baju kurung. I noticed one thing, the spirit of knowledge is very strong in Sudan. They like halaqah, speeches, forums, talks...not like in Malaysia where it is always difficult to find audience. And just wait until the Q&A session, it was always very hot.
Being the only Asian, I had to give a speech in one ceremony in Arabic...kung kang jugakla aku...tapi takpe, I didnt feel ashame at all, everybody was so supportive!


The Sudanese are so friendly. They slaughtered a kharoof just for the four of us! imagine that! Alhamdulillah I am able to adapt to the the morning we normally have 'fuul' or 'adas' with fresh sheep milk...yum,yum...especially if you put na'na'(peppermint)..hmmm..very refreshing..then lunch and dinenr, we eat bread or rice (cooked with some oil), meat, or fish, salatah(fresh salad) and I really like the desert part..fruit salad and sometimes custard...yum,yum..feeling a little bit hungry already. In the picture, we were waiting for food. Eating time is always exciting to me..kuat makan. They will always say...ukli,ukli...ukli kuweiss, anti ma akalti katheer, leh?? and after that they will say: urgudi kuweeisss..hehe (slang).