Monday, May 30, 2005

Bonjour! Lets play petanque!


We had a friendly petanque(lawn ball) game. My Father was so busy arranging his team, he was so good at making friends among delegates. I had to play too..Well, the first strike was so powerful, that I heard a Quebecer saying:"Oooh, this girl, is she a professional?" The first round was a lucky one, and so they pushed me to play for the second round. You can guess what happened next, none of my strikes were good enough..yikes..told ya, I'm not good at it..har, har, har.. ( it was only at the end of the game when I got to know that I played with professional players!)

By the way, petanque is pronounced as "pay-tonk", one of Europe's most popular outdoor games.

There was a lady asking me one bonus question: " Young lady, mind if I ask you, do you really have hairs under your scarf?" Errk..


My sister agreed that we regretted for not studying a bit of French before going to Quebec. Quebec is mainly a French-speaking society! You'll have to read the history to know the reasons..they call it 'La Francophonie', they are descendents of French and are still mantaining a French speaking society in North America when most of the rest of Canada are using English.The Quebecers were so friendly though. At times, we had to use sign symbols!

We found a number of Muslims, most of them are from Africa. And they did not understand us except if we converse in French which we obviously do not know..and we end up speaking Arabic! Arabic helped us a lot to find Halal restaurants, halal meat, mosques in journeys like this. At least we led the group to halal restaurants. Orang Islam mesti kena belajar cakap Arab...Its our language.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Maid of the midst - Niagara Falls, Canada

This is one the wonders of the world. The fall is very'll get splashed even from afar. Somebody showed me that I can actually see the States..the Niagara was at the border of US-Canada. Correct me if I'm wrong. We wore the blue water coat for not getting wet. We really felt like baby genius under experiment walking into the boat, under the waterfall..
Kena belajar geoqrafi lebih sikit, baru boleh appreciate kejadian alam yang dicipta oleh Allah. Subhanallah...Prof Ali Hassan a UM professor was with us. He is an expert in Geog, batu batan..etc...seronok dpt dgr dia share knowledge pasal Niagara Falls.


pretty,pretty wow...

Come. Lets share some photos from my private archive.

We were watching an elephant show at the Quebec Zoo when we saw a bunch of Canadian kindergarten kids led by their teachers. You should watch them walking in rows tied with safety belts to each other. This is no where around in Malaysia, well, so far.We were so attracted to take pictures with them. They were sooo cute.... Deq An and I took turns to snap some photos. We really look Asian in the middle...ihiks.



Sunday, May 22, 2005

Happy birthday to Amiir!

20 / 05 /05. It was very exciting to watch Amiir's reaction when we bought him a big walker cum ride-on colourfully wrapped. He sat on the box and clapped! He was so cheerful, maybe he realized that something was special that day and everyone simply made him a superstar! Amiir, you'll be a great person are already great now!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

when decisions have to be made...

There will be a time where you find it very hard to make a decision. Especially when you have something you want and at the same time having something to lose. Leaving the college is not easy.It has been synonimous to myself for so spirit for the college has always been so strong, the passion of teaching the students, the love of the friendly can I simply ignore the joy I had. Indeed, at times, the tough work- with no mercy - multi-tasking- tortured us, it has now become the sweet moments I 'll treasure. The college has really brought me up.
Yesterday, we had a farewell lunch for counsellors at TTWgsa. I promised myself not to cry..I thought I was strong, but I was wrong. I ended up crying infront of the people. The cry of sorrow I have kept eversince I got the reply from KUIM. Happy yet painful to leave the love ones. But, life has to go on. I have a future to work hard for. This has always been my dream. And its coming true..
The counsellors, eventhough we only have been together in less than one year, but our bond is so, so strong. The new people I meet particularly in CCGD is Kak Atie...true, somebody worth to know. She's a person you guys can really rely on. Kak Wan, a very loving sister... - hadiah tu mesti Kak Wan yg pilih, tul tak?..Citarasa memang 'class'. best, best.

When I looked at everybody's eyes during my speech, I realize how all of you cared about me. Thank you..including our beloved ustaz Fadhlan. Personally, I adore you as a brother and leader. Tokwe, thanks for being a good friend, I hope I can be a better friend to you. Take gud care of Shu, she really needs you at times like this. As for the rest of the I said, words are too scarce to express everything in my heart..adik-adik - kiah, zana, din,izwan,akma, asma...jaga diri baik-baik...kita dah macam adik beradik. maafkan apa yg tersilap, tersalah...semoga kita sama-sama berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat. InsyaAllah.

Monday, May 16, 2005

zulfa has grown so fast...

ummuzulfa feels pain on her arm coz of carrying zulfa all day long the day before.